Rundroute Dreibündenstein (GR 4)

Ausgeschilderte Rundroute ab Brambrüesch über die Dreibündenstein Hochebene und wieder zurück nach Brambrüesch.

The area between the 3 mountain railways of Chur-Dreibündenstein (Brambrüesch), Pradaschier and Feldis is a paradise for snow shoeing. The high plateau in the centre of these areas offers spectacular panorama views of the surrounding mountain scenery (Calanda, Arosa, Lenzerheide, Flims-Laax and Surselva). The peak point where the different routes merge is the landmark of the Dreibündenstein at 2160 m, a stone monument to the freedom fighters of Graubünden, which marks the common border point of the former Three Leagues of Raetia. This signposted route goes from Brambrüesch to the Dreibündenstein and back to Brambrüesch (GR 4).